Palaena of the Moon

palaena's corner

welcome to my corner of the internet,
nothing interesting to see here. However, I hope you enjoy.

site last updated 07.09.24!


change log

07/09/24: blogged, added a few traumacore pics, and started fixing my Neopets shrine!
01/10/24: i finished my reading log page and logged all of my books from 2023!
11/13/23: i finally did a little fixing. i am so sad my shrines are broken. maybe i'll fix them soon after i have grieved.
05/03/23: broke the site again. this time it happened in slow motion.
03/28/23: made the site not hecking broken.
09/07/22: added the dream shrine and the pokemon shrine!! I also added a special shrine for my favourite pokemon...
05/05/22: opened the moon shrine!
03/24/22: added a music page!
12/02/21: added a visual art page (click on the furby on the landing page). TW for CSA, nudity, gore, suicide and self injury, and sexual themes. Also added two new traumacores on the Creepy page.
06/13/21: officially reopened with a new motto of stfu and dgaf.