This is a shrine for Neopets, an old virtual pet site that is still flapping about. Thank you, Neopets, for the inspiration, the images, and the experience (Neopets Terms of Use). Neopets was where I first learned to code and I owe my interest in coding to them!! Additionally, I'd like to thank SunnyNeo (Thank you for the jelly poogle background!) and JellyNeo, as they have excellent graphics and information that I love to steal :3.

My Neopets
I have been on Neopets for over twenty years (blush), and over that time, I have accumulated quite a lot of little friends! Recently, Neopets allowed users to buy pet slots, so I have gathered many of my Neopets on my main account. Yes, I signed in and bought Neocash for the first time just to have all of my pets on my main account. Or most of them. Anyways...
Mahganda the Faerie Poogle with Marilag the Barbat

Maggie won the Pet spotlight! and has a broken petpage!

Mahganda was my first poogle. I adopted them from a friend of mine whom I met after making them a banner for their gallery! They saw that I had recently lost my poogles in a scamming incident and offered to give me care of Mahganda. She's named for the Tagalog word for beautiful and that's my sweetheart to a t- BEAUTIFUL! I adopted her as a blue (I think) poogle and, as soon as I could, painted them my favourite poogle color: Faerie! Maggie has lore which I will type up soon, but you can read some of it on her Pet Spotlight entry.
As for Mahganda's plans, I'd like to paint her barbat cloud! Someday soon I would also like to rewrite her lore and recode her petpage. NeoHTML is so oppressive that I've been putting it off for a very long time.

One other continuous goal for Maggie is her library. I would really like to get her a book award, but it's so hard and we are slow moving. For now, my goal is to read Maggie 500 books

Lucazade the Halloween Poogle with Cherubim the Ukali

My second poogle, who I adopted from the pound! Lucazade is a bookworm, and this is how he joined the clan, upon meeting Maggie! As a snowbeast, he has faced adversity and judgment, but that has only strengthened my poogie! I need to rewrite his story, which is either Borken or was lost on an account transfer. What is his purpose?
Maybleigh the Baby Poogle with Cute Cake the Yellow Harris

Maybleigh is BABY!
Bezmolvy the Plushie Poogle with Buzmolvy the Plushie Buzzer

Bezmolvy is something like the word for "silence" in Russian. They used to be a white poogle meant for customizing, but I was pleased to receive a FFQ! I decided Bez should become a plushie, with their mouth stitched up.
Daneika the Pink Poogle with Princess the Angelpuss

PINK! I think I might change her to pastel one day.
Tuleeya the Disco Poogle with Forever the Strawberry Eizzil

I forget when I made Tuleeya, but I was very pleased with her name. She was my labrat for a while, but I enjoy the disco poogle a lot! I'm thinking of repainting her grey soon.
Estrellaciel the Royal "Girl" Poogle with Precious the Plumpy

Estrella is half of a royal duo! She was a princess in Shenkuu and didn't quite fit the role. Also Krasi is her BFF, a princess from a warring family. Recently, due to the styling studio, I wanted to unconvert my pets. However, I only had the basic ones left and tried my best with Estrella. However, he..picked the boy version for himself. So I've got gay trans poogles.
Hyunsook the MSP Poogle with Parks the Bearog

I finally got my MSP! Hyunsook is one of my newest pets and I managed to zap her into my dream pet. I still have a lot to do with Hyunsook as I never thought I'd achieve this goal!
Krasivya the Royal "Girl" Poogle with Hoshi the Gingerbread Dandan

Krasi is the other half of the royal duo! She is a princess in Shenkuu, part of a family warring for power! Yet again, I had a surprise gay trans royal situation. Estrella is her BFF, and Krovanich...
Krovanich the Zombie Ixi with Bones the Sklyde

There's a secret romance between Krovanich of the undergrowth and Krasivya, Princess of will it end up!?
Aberaxa the Darigan Kougra with Aragog the Spyder

I made Aberaxa on a whim when I got a FFQ! She's a total cutie and I'm trying to figure out her story.

Maegnas is my lab rat! I adopted them for their excellent name - it's the name of Bilbo Baggin's sword, "Sting" in uh Elvish? Can't remember, actually. But I enjoy them.
Usudnie the Usuki Usul with Bloop the Bloop

I follow an excellent pet channel, Pet Simmer Julie! They were holding an auction for an usuki paintbrush, and I eagerly participated! Somehow, I won the auction, and obtained my dreamy dream of an Usuki Usul. Her name is Usudnie, which I also named my Skyrim character who I created around the same time. Usudnie in Skyrim is actually bald...demonstrating Usudnie's duelling personalities. Very girly but also very much a fighter!
Naesal the Mutant Usul with Shelby the Lil Frankie

Naesal is a bit of a mystery, actually. I forget when I adopted them, but they quickly became a mutant usul! Naesal is me as a neopet.
Mordenaum the Mutant Draik with Tiamat the Reptillior

Mordenaum is my newest pet. I recently got a FFQ and, after much determination over the many pets I'd like, I decided that a mutant draik would fulfill the FFQ! I love mutant pets, especially post-conversion, they are still incredibly interesting! Mordenaum is just a cool guy.